Fantasy Literature for You
Whether you're a Young Adult of thirteen or ninety-three, enjoy these adventures with Sprites, Elves, and Humans, reimagined.

What do you get when a science fiction fan writes Young Adult Fantasy? The Willow’s Wake Trilogy. In this short series of spin-off/sequels we meet characters of various species who may appear recognizable by the names of their races are reinvented. Named from the elements of fire, wood, earth and water, these are not the immortal elves of Middle Earth. Wood sprites have short lives of about 60 years, while the other three run between 300-400. Their unique attributes include blending with surroundings like chameleons to bending light and vanishing completely. One race is winged, and communicates telepathically.
In the first volume, “Willow Awakened, Ascended, Avenged”, we address inter-species conflicts. The real world issue of racism begins with a young female main character, Willow, who is bullied for being different from other wood sprites.
“The Grand Chieftain” is the spin-off sequel where we move the action across the river dividing the continent, with the main character, Garnidel, and his species are fending off colonialism by encroaching humans. Again, we can easily see comparisons to our own world stage.
Finally, in “The High Priestess”, we turn the table to gain perspectives of humans who were surprised to learn these other races exist, and the main character, Lauren, is dispatched with her superior knowledge of the myths concerning these fae. What begins as a stalemate to be broken becomes a fight against genocide and conflict of religious views.
The series has appeal on many fronts. Unlike most high fantasy with a developed system of magic, the attributes of the fae are otherworldly, but natural to them. The use of scrying bowls is a result of the same otherworld nature as chemical reactions of silver or gold with an undisclosed liquid. All told this allows the characters to move through the world with their own reality and no magical “saves”. Also, readers will be able to relate to Willow grappling with her differences in Volume 1, Garnidel growing from an infatuated youth to a mature leader in Volume 2, and Lauren’s own struggles as she attempts to bridge cultures and religions while aided by a most curious sidekick who behaves nothing as expected for a temple page.
The series is story-driven, to give the feel of tales told by the fire. We don’t delve too deeply into the psyches of the characters, and leave some painting-of-the-picture to the imagination of the reader.
Though categorized as “Young Adult”, the Willow’s Wake Trilogy may be enjoyed at any age where literature lacking in profanity and explicit sexual content is appreciated.
Drawing on my own experiences in the fields of mental health and thirty-seven years in the Army Reserve, I keep the dialogue and battle scenes both basic and realistic. The moral of the story is enhanced by the story itself.
I remain an advocate for local authors, having joined the Board of Directors of the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick.

About Don
Don Bourque was born and raised in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. After serving 37 years in the Canadian Army (Reserve) and an equal amount of time in the human service sector, he penned his first book, a trilogy of fantasy novellas. Writing has been a passion throughout his life, and he's since added a second book and is working on the third. Don's helped raise two stepdaughters to adulthood and is a proud grandfather.